Produce your own voice-over demo?

by Jason McCoy

Updated November 2022

In this episode of the Voice Acting 101 Podcast, you'll learn:

  • Pros and Cons of hiring a demo producer
  • How to build your demo AND make clients happier
  • How to improve by having your demo and audio quality checked

Links & Resources from this episode

How to become a voice-over actor free guide from voice acting 101

Free Download: 
5-Steps to 
Voice-Over Success


  • Thanks for this! I’m in radio and have been pondering a VO career for far too long. I’ve read everything that’s out there that said the same thing-get a professionally produced demo. So it’s refreshing to hear you say a VO career can be achieved without paying through the nose. I’ve got dozens, probably hundreds of spots to choose from. Now I just gotta get off my butt and do it. Thanks for your podcast. I appreciate that they’re short and to the point. Great job! Aloha!

    • Thanks Michael! Glad you like the podcast. Just make sure the spot your choose are the best of the best.

  • Alan Wuertenberg says:

    Jason, thank you so much for discussing this topic. This is one that has bothered me for some time. Good to know that others felt the same way.

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Happy to help Alan! It’s always nice to know something isn’t as hard or expensive as first thought.

  • Christian J says:

    Outstanding topic this week Jason! This has been the number one thing on my mind since I’ve been working on getting into VO. I had always heard “ you’ve got to have a professional demo “. My wife’s medical condition has made it impossible to afford a “professional demo”. But my question has always been, if a client is going to base his decision off my pro demo that sounds wonderful, what’s going to happen when I have to record the work he wants in my home studio? I decided a while ago that I’m going to take the time and learn my DAW and all the technics to produce my own professional demo. That way when they hire me from my demo they’re going to get their work with the same quality. I signed up for an excellent audio course that has taught me how to produce high quality VO sound. You podcast has lifted my confidence! Thank you Sir!

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Thanks Christian! Glad to hear it’s boosted your confidence.

      • Christian says:

        Hello! I would be happy to answer that question, but unfortunately I’m not sure if Jason would be cool with me doing that on his site, as he may offer his own courses. Check with him, and if he’s ok with it, then I will gladly give you the answer that you seek. I would need to see a confirmation from him. Maybe could put it with my comment. Thank you for understanding.

      • Christian says:

        Hello! I would be happy to answer that question, but unfortunately I’m not sure if Jason would be cool with me doing that on his site, as he may offer his own courses. Check with him, and if he’s ok with it, then I will gladly give you the answer that you seek. I would need to see a confirmation from him. Maybe could put it with my comment. Thank you for understanding.

        • Jason McCoy says:

          Thanks for checking Christian. Feel free to put it out there.

  • Thanks Jason! You helped to clear up a lot of confusion I had about this.

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Thanks Tom! Glad it helped clear it up.

  • Hi Jason,
    My demo is self-produced. I haven’t gotten any hires as a result..yet. I have auditioned for ACX and got hired to do four books so far. But that wasn’t because of my demo. I’m using Upwork right now, but not hires so far.

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Hi Granita, an evaluation can tell you exactly what’s missing from your demo and give you an overview of anything preventing you from being hired.

    • Hey Granita,
      How did you get hired to do books? I would love to, but I’m not sure how to get started.
      Thank you!

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