8 Bad VO Habits to Break

by Jason McCoy

Updated August 2022

You may have some bad habits holding your back in voice-over. Things you're doing right now that you may not even realize are causing you more harm than good.

I’ve been guilty of many of these myself over the years and I’ve seen it with student’s as well.

On this episode of the podcast, I’m going to talk about several common bad habits in voice-over, why you want to avoid them and how to break them.

Links & Resources from this episode

Voiceover Success Guide

Free Download: 
5-Steps to 
Voice-Over Success


  • I certainly struggle with the last one. I haven’t done much outside of VO-related things this year at all. Constantly grinding/working towards the goal is what was instilled in me early on by someone and I am still trying to deprogram that.

  • John Lingua says:

    Hi Jason,
    I am John from Memphis Tennessee. I have a few bad habits that are hard to get rid of. 1) my reads are choppy I sound like the announcer Guy from Good Morning Vietnam Dan Levatan. I practise but my progress seems slow. 2)Another, issue is sounding conversational My coach says work on being conversational like I am speaking with a live person Which I do. 15 minutes a day. What else can I do. Thanks for the podcasts, they are very helpful.

    Thanks John

    • Hey John, Glad to hear the podcast is helping you. Those 2 habits usually go hand-in-hand. Coaching and practice are the best ways to overcome these issues. Also try listening to music during your read to get you out of the announcer read.

  • Hi Jason,
    Thank you so much for being so open and honest with your Podcast. Very valuable information.

    I actually have two areas of mistakes.
    1) relying on one or two sources for work, instead of mass marketing (emails, phone calls, etc)
    2) interpretation of the script. I am working on a better understanding of the piece and Character. Making the right acting choice, given the content, context, etc. As well as a better understanding of the tone, pitch, etc.

  • I have depended mostly on Bunny Studio for work. This podcast was very helpful and encouraging. I especially appreciate the tip about not devaluing what I do by charging less than I should. I will definitely check out the VO Rate guide.

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