Is My Voice Good for Voice-Over?

by Jason McCoy

Updated August 2022

If you’re just getting started in voice acting, before you start spending your time and money - wouldn’t you like to know ahead of time if you’d be any good at it?

To know whether someone would actually pay YOU for YOUR voice.

Successful voice actors tend to have certain traits in common.

What are they and do you have these traits as well?

That’s what we’re talking about today on this episode...

Links & Resources from this episode

Voiceover Success Guide

Free Download: 
5-Steps to 
Voice-Over Success


  • Hello Jason. I think my strongest trait is persistence, followed by confidence. I’ve been considering VO for more than a year and I didn’t realize until listening to your podcast that I don’t need a specialized mic to get started.

  • Jason my challenge is controlling my breathing when recording so what advice would you give,cause at the moment I can only cover up formats from 15 to 30 seconds…I usually do promo and commercial voice acting but I’d like to expand

    • Hi Ivy, Breathing is normal so I personally don’t think it needs to be removed (except for time purposes). If they are too loud or distracting, you can edit them out with room tone or turn from the mic during your breath to reduce how much the mic hears.

  • Haha, none of those 3 traits you mentioned are my strongest. All 3 are equally weak. Guess I should work on myself first.

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