Do you need to have a Home Voice-Over Studio?

by Jason McCoy

Updated August 2022

In this episode of the Voice Acting 101 Podcast, you'll learn:

  • The Old School vs. New School way of voice-over
  • Why having your own voice-over studio is a must
  • What to do before you invest in your studio

Links & Resources from this episode

How to become a voice-over actor free guide from voice acting 101

Free Download: 
5-Steps to 
Voice-Over Success


  • Is the podcast posted out for podcasting apps. I have searched several time and this podcast does not show up.

    • Jason McCoy says:

      No – at this time it’s just a private podcast on VoiceActing101

  • Jim Ihnen says:

    could you give a list of starter studio equipment you recommend. Just starting to look into voice work. Thanks

  • Great podcast Jay and the vast majority of my voice over work is from my home studio. I work globally so the investment is paying off!!

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Thanks Kenny. Same here. If I only worked with local clients, I wouldn’t survive. Global is where it’s at!

  • Hey Jason! I really appreciate your take on the costs of startup. As I was listening to today’s podcast, I was also reading a recent article from SOVAS answering the question about startup costs in a way that might scare away anyone thinking about starting with a modest investment: “On average, and usually on a weekly basis, you should take private, one-hour classes, which will cost $100 to $200. A demo reel will cost $2,000 to $3,500. A simple home or travel studio will add another $5,000. Creating branded marketing materials (website, stationery, etc.) may add $1,500.” I appreciate hearing from successful VO talent such as yourself and others working from their home studios who didn’t sink 10k into VO when they were just starting out!

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Yeah, someone recently told me they had been told expect to pay $15k-$20k for startup costs. I never could have afforded that when I started. It can all be done for way less.

  • Great advise Jason! You’re right, the days of going IN to a studio for an audition are very rare these days. Plus like you say, the commute and time-suck issue is palpable.
    Love your story about turning down the New York job too. That took guts, but in the end, yeah…you’re easy to work with! They made a simple adjustment. It’s how it’s done now people!
    Congratulations on booking the job (from your home studio!)….Plus thanks for all the valuable insights you bring to the VO community.

    • Jason McCoy says:

      Thanks Scott! It doesn’t always work out that way but I’m glad it did for that client.

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